Avatar Accessories and Extras!

Here are some assets and texture options you can have added to your model!


There are many free and paid for collar packs available to commissioners to choose from! Ask me for some examples if the ones listed aren't for you!
Or if you find an asset you already know you want send it over!
Just make sure to read the TOS regarding paid model assets!
For discovery of Collar Assets I recommend VRC Arena!


Depending on the model there are loads of clothing options!
I do not mind setting up clothing toggles for avatar 3.0 to the best of my ability, just keep in mind that the number of toggles may influence the price based on complexity of unity/blender work!
For discovery of Clothing and Other Assets I recommend VRC Arena!

The Garrus Collective

The Garrus Collective is a line of "Drone" textures and custom edits of Vrchat models!Below is information about how to get your own Garrus Collective Texture or otherwise independent drone avatar!

Garrus Collective

Standard TOS for the Garrus Collective still applies and requires both parties to have the model license before receiving any commission files.
The Models:
The models for the Garrus Collective are simply edited in blender to feature a smoothed over mouth and eyes to feature a resemblance to popular artwork.
The Designs:
Each design commissioned will feature some standard symbols unless otherwise requested to exclude them, designs for individuals will be hand drawn and produced out of creative liberty unless a specific reference is given to be put onto the suit.
Each Commissioner will also receive their own unique six digit ID!
Prices will be added onto one's regular commission order, standard rates are being applied for now while I feel out a good price for these guys!
The current price for a drone texture + model of your requested species starts at: $20 and is affected by complexity.
This is a list of the currently made bases for the Garrus Collective Line of Avatars:


If the model your interested in is not on this list its okay! Simply submit a request and we'll see what we can work up for you!

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